2D Umbrella Sampling of Alanine-Dipeptide and WHAMΒΆ

Files for this example can be downloaded from here. This example is located in mdtoolbox_example/umbrella_alad/wham/.

% this routine calculates free energies of umbrella systems by using WHAM

%% setup constants
C = getconstants();
KBT = C.KB*300; % KB is the Boltzmann constant in kcal/(mol K)

%% umbrella window centers
center_phi = -180:15:-15;
center_psi = 0:15:165;
K = numel(center_phi)*numel(center_psi);

umbrella_center = zeros(K, 2);
k = 0;
for j = 1:numel(center_psi)
  for i = 1:numel(center_phi)
    k = k + 1;
    umbrella_center(k, :) = [center_phi(i) center_psi(j)];

%% define edges for histogram bin
edge_phi = linspace(-180, 0, 81);
edge_psi = linspace(0, 180, 71);
bin_center_phi = 0.5 * (edge_phi(2:end) + edge_phi(1:(end-1)));
bin_center_psi = 0.5 * (edge_psi(2:end) + edge_psi(1:(end-1)));
M = numel(bin_center_phi)*numel(bin_center_psi);

bin_center = zeros(M, 2);
m = 0;
for j = 1:numel(bin_center_psi)
  for i = 1:numel(bin_center_phi)
    m = m + 1;
    bin_center(m, :) = [bin_center_phi(i) bin_center_psi(j)];

%% read dihedral angle data
data_k = {};
for k = 1:K
  filename = sprintf('../4_prod/run_%d_%d.dat', umbrella_center(k, 1), umbrella_center(k, 2));
  x = load(filename);
  data_k{k} = x(:, 2:3);

%% calculate histogram (h_km)
% h_km: histogram (data counts) of k-th umbrella data counts in m-th data bin
h_km = zeros(K, M);
for k = 1:K
  [~, histogram] = assign2dbin(data_k{k}, edge_phi, edge_psi);
  h_km(k, :) = histogram(:)';

%% bias-factor
% bias_km: bias-factor of k-th umbrella-window evaluated at m-th bin-center
bias_km = zeros(K, M);
for k = 1:K
  for m = 1:M
    spring_constant = 50 * (pi/180)^2; % conversion of the unit from kcal/mol/rad^2 to kcal/mol/deg^2
    bias_km(k, m) = (spring_constant./KBT)* sum(minimum_image(umbrella_center(k, :), bin_center(m, :)).^2, 2);

% evaluate the potential of mean force (PMF) in dihedral angle space
[f_k, pmf] = wham(h_km, bias_km);
pmf = KBT*pmf;
pmf = pmf - min(pmf(:));

%% visualization
pmf2d = zeros(numel(bin_center_phi), numel(bin_center_psi));
pmf2d(:) = pmf(:);
landscape(bin_center_phi, bin_center_psi, pmf2d', 0:0.25:6); colorbar;
xlabel('phi [degree]', 'FontSize', 20, 'FontName', 'Helvetica');
ylabel('psi [degree]', 'FontSize', 20, 'FontName', 'Helvetica');

%% save results
save analyze.mat;
function dx = minimum_image(center, x)
dx = x - center;
dx = dx - round(dx./360)*360;