Getting Started¶
Typical usages of I/O functions for MD files are follows.
PDB file
pdb = readpdb('protein.pdb'); % pdb is a structure variable containg ATOM records
[pdb, crd] = readpdb('protein.pdb'); % if you want to extract the coordinate
% after some calculations
writepdb('protein_edit.pdb', pdb);
writepdb('protein_edit.pdb', pdb, crd); % if you want to replace coordinate with crd
AMBER files¶
ene = readamberout('amber.out'); % ene is a structure variable containing energy terms
AMBER parameter/topology file
prmtop = readprmtop('run.prmtop'); % prmtop is a structure variable containing topology information
AMBER trajectory file
natom = 5192; % the number of atoms is required for reading AMBER trajectory
trj = readmdcrd(natom, 'run.trj'); % trajectory file without box size
trj = readmdcrdbox(natom, 'run.trj'); % trajectory file with box size
% after some calculations
writemdcrd('run_edit.trj', trj);
AMBER NetCDF trajectory file
trj = readnetcdf('');
% after some calculations
writenetcdf('', trj);
NAMD log
ene = readnamdout('namd.out'); % ene is a structure variable containing energy terms
PSF file
psf = readpsf('run.psf'); % psf is a structure variable containing energy terms
DCD file
trj = readdcd('run.dcd');
% after some calculations
writedcd('run_edit.dcd', trj);
GROMACS files¶
GRO file
gro = readgro('run.gro'); % gro is a structure variable containg ATOM records
% after some calculations
writegro('run_edit.gro', gro);
Support of TRR and XTC files is on-going.
Coordinate and trajectory variables¶
MDToolbox assumes a simple vector/matrix form for coordinate/trajectory.
Coordinate variable is a row vector whose elements are the XYZ coordinates of atoms in order
[x(1) y(1) z(1) x(2) y(2) z(2) .. x(natom) y(natom) z(natom)]
Thus, for example, translation in the x-axis by 3.0 Angstrom is coded as follows:
crd(1:3:end) = crd(1:3:end) + 3.0;
Likewise, the y-coordinate of geometrical center is calculated by
center_y = mean(crd(2:3:end));
Trajectory variable is a matrix whose row vectors consist of coordinate variables. The rows represent frames in the trajectory. For simulation data, the sequence of frames represents molecular dynamics.
Thus, for example, the coordinate at the 10th frame is extracted by
crd = trj(10, :);
Translation in the x-axis throughout all frames is coded as
trj(:, 1:3:end) = trj(:, 1:3:end) + 3.0;
Average coordinate over all frames (without fitting) is obtained by
crd = mean(trj);
Atom selection¶
MDToolbox uses logical indexing for atom selection. Logical indexing is a vector or matrix whose elements consist of logical variables, i.e., true(==1) and false(==0). Logical indexing is useful for selecting subset of vector/matrix that matches a given condition in MATLAB.
For example, the following example returns a logical indexing whose elements are greater than 1:
>> x = [1 2 3];
>> index = x > 1
index =
0 1 1
>> whos index
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
index 1x3 3 logical
>> x(index)
ans =
2 3
Another advantage of logical indexing is that it is easy to combine the results of different conditions to select subset on multiple criteria. The following example selects the subset whose elements are greater than 1, and also smaller than 3:
>> index2 = x < 3
index2 =
1 1 0
>> index3 = index & index2 % Boolean AND
index3 =
0 1 0
>> x(index3)
ans =
MDToolbox has three types of atom-selection functions;
, selectid()
, and selectrange()
. All of them
returns logical indexing for use with other MDToolbox functions
or selecting subset of coordinate or trajectory variable.
returns a logical indexing which matches given
names (characters). The following code returns logical indexing of
alpha-carbon atoms,
[pdb, crd] = readpdb('example/anm_lys/lys.pdb'); %pdb is a structure variable containing PDB records
index_ca = selectname(, 'CA');
returns a logical indexing which matches given
IDs (integers). The following code returns logical indexing of
atoms of the 1st and 2nd residue IDs.
index_resid = selectid(pdb.resseq, 1:2);
returns a logical indexing of atoms within cutoff
distance of given reference coordinate.
The following code returns logical indexing of
atoms within 8.0 Angstrom distance of the 1st and 2nd residue.
index_range = selectrange(crd, index_resid, 8.0);
As noted above, logical indexing can be combined to select subset on multiple conditions. For example, alpha-carbons of the 1st and 2nd residues are selected by
index = index_ca & index_resid; % Boolean AND
Obtained logical indexings can be used with other MDToolbox
functions, such as I/O functions. The following reads the trajectory of
subset atoms specified by the logical index index
trj = readdcd('run.dcd', index);
As an alternative way, users can directly choose subset from coordinate or
trajectory variable. This can be done by using a utility function of
MDToolbox to3()
. to3()
converts given logical indexing to
XYZ-type logical indexing. For example, the following code extracts
the subset trajectory as same as above.
trj_all = readdcd('run.dcd');
trj = trj_all(:, to3(index));
The following explains how to3()
works by using simple indexing:
>> index = [true false true]
index =
1 0 1
>> to3(index)
ans =
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1